Our good friend Jefferson Placido, (band leader) label mates and all around great band from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the almighty "Samba Nonsense" have released a new song / video from their latest album. When the band released its debut, The Experiment Began, they dared to do something different, something unique that challenges the every day Brazilian music fan and listener. Well, they did it again with "Canção para o Bate-Bola".
New Song / Video: Música: Canção para o Bate-Bola Artista: Samba Nonsense
Canção para o Bate-Bola é transitivo direto do Absurdo! O Samba Nonsense é Música Lo-fi. “Colocando que a arte é, por si mesma, produtora de verdades, não pretende de maneira alguma torná-la um objeto”... Ressignificar o território do Subúrbio da Leopoldina, o Samba na Palma da Mão no seu imaginário social, estampar mais um dia de folia despercebido de cada Bate-Bola e sentir o sabor onírico do carnaval de rua e seus mistérios, assim a estética Nonsense, torna-se necessariamente uma resistência aos discursos hegemônicos. O jogo do não-sentido subverte as regras morais e simbólicas já estabelecidas, o nosso modo de entender e representar sugere. No fundo, o Nonsense abusa e revela a inconsistência dos sistemas que nos encontramos inseridos, questiona lógicas de ser e fazer. As imagens capturadas no Bairro da Penha, Rio de Janeiro, outrora conhecida como Freguesia de N. S. da Apresentação do Irajá, hoje Subúrbio da Leopoldina e morada de N. S. da Penha, mistificam os bairros e esses territórios têm vida, vão mudando de significados no decorrer do tempo e em diferentes espaços, essa canção de autor desconhecido, são lembranças de meninos batendo a bola no chão e levantando a poeira no calor fervente do Carnaval! Bate-Bola bate o pé... Produtora: Agência RioOk Edição: David Rogério Batista Filmagem: Agência RioOk
Happy Sunday Friends and Fans! We're on a mission to connect communities far and wide, and we have a plan to make that happen. Our team at Afro Baile goes beyond being a Record Label, or an Event Company, we also push the boundaries with our Culture Community outreach campaigns. Afro Baile offers a wide range of brand development, marketing, streamlined promotions and community outreach that has helped expand businesses big and small. Your brand is as important as our brand, and thats why we work toward creating unique campaigns that are custom tailored to target market a wide range of cultural communities across the valley. With creative music ideas, entertainment, event booths, email blasts, social marketing, and more, we can get you up and going in no time.
Contact us today, and let's connect communities to build foundations. [email protected] Afro Baile has steadily become the perveyer of all things Brazilian across Arizona. From our growing Brazilian music record label, to producing the largest Brazilian Festivals and Concerts in Arizona including the annual Brazilian Day Arizona Festival and the annual Carnaval do Brazil event. But, as we've grown, so has our need to produce another program filled with culture for the community.
Spearheaded by Miguel Ivery (aka DJ Seduce), Afro Baile presents the first annual Bomba "Latin Music & Heritage" Festival in 2017. The festival will focus on South American (Latin) music, dance, art, performance, film, food, drinks, and the beautiful cultures that crisscross Latin American countries. Miguel and company plan to go beyond your traditional latin festival by creating a uniqe Latin Experience that captures the soul, the mind, and heartbeat of what it means to be Latino! Official Date / Location to be announced soon! Visit our official website at www.BombaFestival.com When it comes to producing and booking live authentic Brazilian entertainment in Phoenix, Arizona and around the valley, you want to call Afro Baile. We pride ourselves on working with some of the best and most talented entertainers from across Brazil, Arizona and the USA. Our talented roster includes live Brazilian Bands, Samba Dancers, African Dancers, World Music DJ's, Brazilian DJ’s, Live Capoeira and the ultimate Brazilian Experience. We offer a variety of engaging entertainment that is both ready for the big stage, as well as educational teachings for all ages. We have worked with a number of Festival promoters, Performance Art venues, Tour Buyers, Colleges, Edcational Institutes, as well as a number of big clients including Go Daddy, Nike, Sony, Adidas, Sirrius, NBA, MLB, NFL and more! You see, Afro Baile programs and produces the best entertainment and pure heartbeat of Brazil & South Americam culture for the desert and beyond! Visit our CULTURE page for more! Take a look at just some of our talent below: Bateria (Brazilian Drumline)Samba DancersBrazilian Singers (Samba Reggae)Afro:Baile wants you to raise your hands and let the celebration begin! As part of our “discover the now sound” slogan, we have created a cultural community highlighting Brazilian and South Ameircan culture from Arizona to Brazikl. Our festivals and events are programmed to give attendees the ultimate cultural experience while entertaining, educating and exciting them to listen, learn, taste and touch there way through Brazil & Beyond. With a variey of Live Music, Dance, Food, Art, and more, Afro:Baile has successfully created the two largest Brazilian events in Arizona, including the Annual Brazilian Independence Day (Brazilian Day) Festival and Annual Carnaval do Brazil (Rio Concert) since 2010. More than 15,000 people have attended the festivities, and each year we see increases in festival goers and cultural communities coming together for a great time! Visit our Events page for more info!
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